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The Millennial Christian Class (Group 1)

Members registered to Date: 2

Offered to: Men and Women

Ages: 18-24

Instructors: Min. Tanesha Randall and Dr. Tim Staples

Meeting Cadence: Weekly

Class Location: Balcony above the sanctuary (right side), hybrid (in-person and virtual/Zoom).

Book: Experiencing God - God's Invitation to Young Adults (Authors: Henry T. Blackaby, Richard Blackaby

Cost: TBD

Superintendent: Min. Yulonda Bissett

Class Description: This course is designed specifically for college students and young professionals in the workforce. Is it possible to enjoy life while yet trusting in and standing on God's Word without compromise? How do you address mainsteam topics of conversation as abortion, the LGBTQIA, community, materialism, balancing work, and social life, building your career, establishing relationships, and mental health? In this class you will understand the importance of leading the life that will honor Jesus Christ and bring glory to His name and learn how to address conversations with others that embrace modern-day philosophies and way of thinking from a Christian perspective. Class I will meet virtualy and in-person, to allow students who are away at college an opportunity to join the class.

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